My Sub-cubicle
So today was my last day at Chesapeake for the summer. I've only been back a few days but I am already back into the swing of things, and now I have to up and leave. Oh well, I guess that is how life goes sometimes. Well I made sure to get some pictures on my last day, especially of my desk. Considering I have the smallest desk in the office people always make joking comments about how I'll get my own office someday, but for some reason I've grown attached to my "sub-cubicle". As small and unimpressive as it is, it the first space I got at Chesapeake that is actually mine and I didn't have to share with another co-worker (not that I minded) or stacks of computer junk (that I did mind). Because of this attachment I am sad to see it go, but I know I'll be back to visit my "sub-cubicle" in the winter, until then so long Chesapeake co-workers and my "sub-cubicle", and don't worry I shall keep in touch.
My Sub-cubicle (notice the tile floor, I'm the only one at Chesapeake with tile floor in my office =))

My Sub-cubicle (notice the tile floor, I'm the only one at Chesapeake with tile floor in my office =))

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